Recently, in the wake of environmental degradation caused by packaging materials, innovation of biodegradable packaging materials gained a foothold. Such materials are bio-degradable, as compared to conventional plastics which require centuries to decompose. This movement toward sustainability has been influenced not only by the end-users but by the legal frameworks across the globe as well.
International Trends and Requirement
Biodegradable packaging materials market around the world bolsters hope and sustains projections for considerable growth. Some reports speculates the size of this market to reach billions of dollarsat the end of this decade. Such growth is attributed to the increased realization of the need for biodegradable packaging materials and the urge for natural packaging alternatives in food, cosmetics, e-commerce among other forms of business.
Effect on The Environment and Compliance
Legislations to restrict the usage of single use plastic across many countries have made biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging materials a necessity. For Example, Kenya has issued the second plastic ban by mandated organic waste to be stored in 100% biodegradable bags. Such measures spur new ideas in the manufacturers to come up with innovative and eco-friendly solutions that seek to comply with the law.
Biodegradable Packaging as a Factor of Advancement
It is an undisputed fact that the packaging industry is innovating towards biodegradable options. One can find a vast range of materials from starch-based plastics to agricultural waste-based products. These options are not only environmentally friendly alternatives but also serve the purpose of adequate stiffness and functionality needed for packaging.
Considering Finances
Nonetheless, the initial cost of biodegradable packaging materials can be high compared to the cost of plastic but their long-term advantages will help balance out the scales. During this transitional phase, as the number of eco-friendly consumers increases, businesses with sustainable practices are liable to triumph. Not to add, as production increases, the expense of biodegradable goods is anticipated to lower hence making them more affordable to smaller businesses.
There is ample potential in the market for biodegradable plastics with a clear shift towards sustainable and innovative practices and products. As we advance in the development of these materials we not only tackle the impact we have on the environment, but we also give businesses the chance to grow and succeed in a more eco-friendly market.
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